Conference Takeaways & Breaking Down Outcomes, Not Initiatives

Quick one from me.

I've had a busy last week with:

A full post (and likely video too) of my take aways from Leading the Product coming later this week...

But for now here's a sneak peak of some of my notes from amazing speakers like the CEO and Founder of Amplitude Spenser Skates, Navya Rehani Gupta CPO of Peak and Joe Harris Chief Commercial Officer of Eucalyptus.

Learning a new term:

Credit Paul Wissam, Leading the Product Sydney 2024



the gradual degradation of an online platform or service's functionality, as part of a cycle in which the platform or service first offers benefits to users to attract them, then pursues more and more profits at the expense of users.

"There's been a significant enshittification of the website in just this year alone."

Yes that's a real word, don't believe me, ​look it up!​

Why do we care?

Well because we need to be mindful that we are susceptible to enshittification.

As Paul shared in his talk, we need to make sure we're not allowing our products to degrade in the pursuit of profits and growth at all costs.

Lizard Brain

Sean Flaherty, shared an entertaining story of his daughter's pet lizard as powerful reminder that our lizard brain is great for survival but not for creativity.

As Sean boldly stated "You can’t hold people accountable AND have creativity"

This is because when we're in survival mode ('fight, fight or freeze') we're in no place to solve problems.

Sean shared several great frameworks for product leaders to resolve friction and motivate their teams towards 'value creation' over 'value destruction' (more on this later in the week, I have lots of notes here!)

Credit Sean Flaherty, Leading the Product Sydney 2024

'Chief Clarity Officers'

Navya Rehani Gupta, CPO of Peak, had another jam packed talk (lots of notes here too!).

Navya shared how at Peak they created a remote communicate manifesto called CAKE.

Credit: Navya Rehani Gupta Leading the Product Sydney 2024

Navya shared how she believes Product Leaders are 'Chief Clarity Officers' and this includes not just clarity on the WHAT but also the HOW.

Including, clarifying how you communicate.

This is especially important for remote teams.

If you've ever had a meeting that should have been an email, then you probably could benefit from clarifying how you should communicate!

And let's be honest, who doesn't like cake! 🍰


That's all for now, more to come later this week - watch this space!

Here are some more pics from the day.

p.s. I'm still terrible at selfies, I know! 🤳🙈

Any tips are greatly appreciated like this one from Büşra Coşkuner 🤣


Leading the Product Sydney 2024 - Takeaways


Dealing with Stakeholders coming with Solutions, not Problems