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Empowerment & Constraints
I don’t like using the term “empowered” because it’s ambiguous.
Empowered to do what?
Are you empowered to expand your product internationally
Empowered to build a whole new business within your current org?
Build a new brand under a parent company?
Of course, empowerment doesn’t mean “do whatever you like” but therein lies the question:
What exactly are you empowered to do?
“Context NOT Control”
One of your primary responsibilities as a leader is to create clarity.
Clarity on:
-context, strategy, vision, goals
-roles, careers, expectations
-culture, boundaries, what’s acceptable vs not, etc…
A lot of problems I see in orgs can boil down to a lack of clarity.
Five Under-Appreciated Aspects of Product Leadership
An unconventional view of what it takes to be a Product Leader. Shifting to a Product Leader can often be a drastically different role. Here are 5 under represented ways that product leadership is different from being an individual contributor.