Helping founders and product people grow their business and craft.

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Empowerment & Constraints

I don’t like using the term “empowered” because it’s ambiguous.

Empowered to do what?

  • Are you empowered to expand your product internationally

  • Empowered to build a whole new business within your current org?

  • Build a new brand under a parent company?

Of course, empowerment doesn’t mean “do whatever you like” but therein lies the question:

What exactly are you empowered to do?

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Ditch Epics & User Stories and Focus on Outcomes

When I've helped organisations become more outcome/product orientated, more often than not, I've moved them away from 'epics' and 'user stories' and towards things like one-pagers, opportunities, hypotheses, etc. Why? Because they’re are better tools for facilitating outcome thinking and experimentation.

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Prioritization is about Confidence, not Value

“Defining value: the most ambiguous word in product development” was the title of a post by Jeff Gothelf at the beginning of last year. If there was the battle for the most ambiguous term in product I’d have ‘value’ take second place to ‘MVP’ but as far as single words go, ‘value’ takes the podium.

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